The New Puppy...

As many of you know Lisa and I have got a new face in the house. Bruno, as we call him, has been a pleasant but painful addition to our little family since we picked him up two weeks ago. There have been many nights of waking up three or four times to let him out to pee, spank his butt, or even let him on the bed. We sure hope that the obedience of Max (the older golden retriever) will soon start to rub off. I even told Max that if he were to teach Bruno how to obey I would give him a cookie a day, what a deal! Lets just hope that he understood that.

Potty training.....potty training! Although he hasn't been perfect by any means, he has done a decent job of telling us when he wants to pee. The occasional pee or poop on the floor is usually followed by Lisa screaming profanities and spanking his butt. She is still a softy in my book!

Things have been extremely busy around here, but we are hoping that as the summer winds down, so can we. (By the way, I didn't have a picture of the dog with me today so I decided to share this picture of Lisa's past.) Until another day.....
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